Learn how to exhibits along with your pleadings by combining pleadings & exhibits in a single PDF document, using the “Attachment to Previous” document type, and/or using the “Exhibit” document type.
Category: Electronic Filing
Add Optional Services to the Document(s) you are E-Filing
When you initiate a new case or file on an existing case, you have the choice of adding optional services for the document(s) you are filing.
The Difference Between an Electronic Service Notification and a Courtesy Copy Email
When initiating a case or filing on an existing case, you will have the opportunity to add service contacts to receive electronic service notifications. You will also have the option to add email addresses of anyone you’d like to receive courtesy copy emails.
Use /s/ for an Electronic Signature on Pleadings and Documents
When e-Filing a document, you may indicate that it is signed by the attorney using an electronic signature in place of a scan. This can help save you time as it avoids the need to print out a document, sign it, and then scan it again to e-File.
Correct Party Type Code Errors
From time to time the Court’s e-filing manager does not recognize the party type roles assigned to parties.
Unlock Secured Court Forms / PDF Documents
Many of the documents a user downloads from the Court’s web site are “Secured”.
Document type to e-file a Writ
When e-filing a Writ with the court, the Court specifically prescribes the list of documents available in the Document Type field.
Multiple Pre-authorization of Fees Appear on Bank Account for a Filing
There can be instances when a filer will see multiple pre-authorization of fees for a pending filing.
Filing Hours, Deadlines, and Court Hours of Operation
Aside from scheduled maintenance on the court’s part and our service’s part, you may e-File 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. However, the courts only review the filings during normal business hours Monday thru Friday.
Odd Letters on Rejection Notifications
Some rejections come with initials at the end of the rejection reason in the filing. Those are the initials of the filing clerk who reviewed it.