In certain instances, nothing precludes a Judicial Officer from requesting a courtesy copy of a document electronically filed. For more information visit the court’s e-filing frequently asked questions document.
Category: California
California Appellate Court
El Dorado
Los Angeles
San Bernardino
San Diego
Santa Clara
Printed Courtesy Copies for Orange County Family Court Cases
In certain instances, nothing precludes a Judicial Officer from requesting a courtesy copy of a document electronically filed. For more information visit the court’s family law e-filing frequently asked questions document.
California Maintenance Schedule Days and Times
Some California courts designate specific days of the week that they might perform systems maintenance to their e-filing system
Initiate a Small Claims Case Related to Covid-19 Rent in Riverside, California
Per Assembly Bill No. 3088 and CCP 116.223, filers may request demand amounts that exceed $10,000 in Small Claims Courts in regards to Covid-19 related rent.
Courtesy Copy Delivery Available for Select California Courts
Filers may now request paper Courtesy Copy Delivery in select California courts directly in their filing when they e-file on a case.
Printed Courtesy Copies for Riverside County Cases
Pursuant to General Order 2021-22, for any document electronically filed two or fewer days before the hearing, a courtesy copy should be delivered to the courtroom by 4:30 p.m. the same business day the document is efiled. If the filing is submitted after 4:30 p.m., the courtesy copy should be delivered to the courtroom by […]
Payment Processor Information for E-Filing in the State of California
The State of California has multiple Payment Processors which varies depending on the court’s Electronic Filing Manager (EFM). Because of this, filers must enter their payment type twice to ensure they can e-file into the court in our system.
Motions and First Paper/Appearance Fees in Placer, CA
When a filer needs to pay a fee for a Motion or pay a First Paper/Appearance fee in Placer, CA’s Superior Court there are a few things to note
California Superior Courts Accepting E-Filings Outside the Odyssey® eFileCA System
The following California Superior courts allow for e-Filing in our system, but are not part of Odyssey® eFileCA.
Initiate a New Case in the Odyssey® eFileCA Superior Courts
Initiate a New Case in the Odyssey eFileCA Superior Courts, electronically serve or mail the accepted documents to parties and/or attorneys.