In order to file a document on an existing case, you must first Add a Case to your account. You have the option of searching by court and case number, or an Advanced Case Search by court and party name. From the Dashboard, click the Add a Case button in the left-hand menu, under the […]
All posts by Chris Haley
Los Angeles Probate to Begin Accepting Letters via e-Filing
Permissive e-Filing starting March 1, 2023 On March 1, 2023, electronic filing will become available to attorneys and self-represented litigants in the Probate Division for Probate Letters in decedent, guardianship, and conservatorship matters, including: Letters of Special Administration Letters of Administration/Testamentary Letters of Conservatorship (Temporary and General) Letters of Guardianship (Temporary and General) Mandatory e-filing […]
Santa Clara County Civil Arbitration Voucher Form CV-5062
Attention Santa Clara County Filers: Effective immediately, Civil Arbitration Voucher form (CV-5062) has been updated and is available for use under Santa Clara County Superior Court Forms’ page: CV-5062.pdf ( This form must be Typed and E-Filed. For faster processing, please select filing code: Invoice for ADR/Early Settlement Conf when submitting this form.
California Small Claims FAQs
Small claims court allows you to sue a person, business, or government agency that you think owes you money. Generally, you can only sue for up to $10,000 in small claims court (or up to $5,000 if you’re a business) or more than $10,000 if you are suing a tenant for COVID-19 rental debt.
E-Filing for Failure to Pay Rent Begins in the District Court of Baltimore County June 6, 2022
Effective June 6, 2022, the District Court of Baltimore County will begin accepting failure to pay rent filings electronically.
San Diego Superior Court Family Law Division E-Filing Exemption List
As of May 26th, 2020, the San Diego Superior Court began accepting e-Filings for Family Law matters. Attorneys and the public can now e-file documents with the Court without physically coming into the courthouse, except for the following. Family Law E-Filing Exception List Application and Order for Publication/Posting Domestic Violence Paperwork (Initial and Subsequent Filings) […]
Electronic Filings for Failure to Pay Rent Complaints in Baltimore County, Maryland
Effective June 6, 2022, the District Court of Baltimore County will begin accepting failure to pay rent filings electronically.
File on an Existing Case in Cook County, Illinois
These steps take you through the process of e-filing on an existing case that we have to retrieve from the Court’s system. Once the filing is sent to the court’s filing clerk for review, we’ll take a quick peek at our Filing Status screen.
Hearing Dates (Motion Spindling) in Cook County
These instructions guide filers on how request a hearing date (Motion Spindling) in the Cook County, Illinois Courts once the filing is pending. It should be noted that even if a filer completes these steps accurately, Cook County’s system MAY NOT RETURN ANY DATES.
California Maintenance Schedule Days and Times
Some California courts designate specific days of the week that they might perform systems maintenance to their e-filing system