A user may change their password at any time completing the following steps.
All posts by Chris Haley
Add an Attorney or Staff Person from the Firm Account
Accounts with a designation of Firm Admin may add an attorney or staff member, manage users, and delete users.
User Preferences to set e-filing defaults
The User Preferences screen allows the user to set case and court defaults as well as preferences for emails from the e-filing application and many court notifications as well.
Invalid List of Parties Error Message — Missing: Subject
When initiating a Probate case, each court has their own required New Case Parties the filer must define.
View/ Edit your Account Information
The Account Information screen allows the user to view and edit their account information in the e-filing application.
E-Filing: Case Lists
The Case List Screen displays all cases the user adds to their account.
E-Filing: Notifications
The Notifications Screen displays all notifications for cases a user files in one place. If support staff files for an attorney, the attorney also receives a notification.
E-Filing: Dashboard
The Dashboard is the default screen for each user upon login to the e-Filing application.
Disclaimer Regarding Document Search for Party Information
The e-filing application will attempt to extract data from your document, upon the filer’s request and based on your user preference settings, for the purpose of auto-populating as many data fields on your filing as possible. As the filer, you must understand the following: The data extraction may not be 100% accurate in extracting and […]
E-Filing Email Delivery Explained – Troubleshooting & Whitelisting
As a participant in electronic court filing, and as a registered user of your E-Filing Service Provider (EFSP), you can expect to receive email notifications, from either your EFSP or the court’s Electronic Filing Manager (EFM)