These steps take you through the process of e-filing on an existing case in the Odyssey eFileCA Superior Courts.
All posts by Chris Haley
Flatten PDFs to Avoid Court Rejections and / or Prevent Missing File Stamps on Conformed Copies
Flattening PDFs ensures the document can be viewed on all devices, and prevents others from manipulating or editing the information.
Service Notifications
Depending on the state and the court, service notifications can either come from the court’s Tyler Technology’s Odyssey e-filing system, or this application.
File Multiple Documents In One Envelope
You may add multiple documents into a case in one filing as long as a single document does not exceed 25MB, and the entire envelope does not exceed 35MB.
Separate PDFs in the Same Transaction/Envelope
One of the most common reasons a filing clerk rejects an envelope (submission) is because a filer does not submit their documents as separate PDFs in the same transaction/envelope
New and Revised Judicial Council Forms for Unlawful Detainers in California
Effective October 5, 2020, the Judicial Council adopted four new Unlawful Detainer forms.
California AB 3088: The Tenant Relief Act
On August 31, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsome approved AB 3088, also known as the Tenant Relief Act.
UD-101—Plaintiff’s Mandatory Coversheet and Supplemental Allegations in the State of California
Effective October 5, 2020, the Judicial Branch of California issued a set of new and revised forms with regards to Unlawful Detainers.
California Court E-Filing Fees on Credit Card Statements and Green Filing Service Fees
By far the most common support question we receive is related to the fees associated with electronic filing in the Odyssey eFile program.
E-Service and Confidential Documents
If a filer sets/requests the court list a document’s security as confidential, whether in the Security Setting