Once you have a hearing date (Spindled a Motion), you may want to come back and add additional motions (piggybacking) to the motion call on the same day.
All posts by Chris Haley
Cook County eFiling Quick Reference Guide
Cook County has released a eFiling Quick Reference Guide to help with the filing process. Please see below for some general information, and check back frequently for updates.
Tips to add a Cook County Case to your Account
To add a Cook County case to your account you need to make sure you select the correct court and format your case number correctly. Following these two steps will ensure you find your case the first time.
Cook County E-Filing Special Instructions
The following special instructions guide filers through the process of e-filing in the Cook County Circuit Court. Please check back often for updates.
Cook County E-Filing Case Types
The following case types, grouped by division, are currently available for e-filing in Cook County Circuit Court as of April 1, 2018. Check back frequently for updates to available case types.
Cook County E-Filing FAQs
The following frequently asked questions attempt to provide some clarification regarding policy, procedures, and rules for e-filing in the Cook County Circuit Court. Please check back often for updates.
Cook County E-Filing Guidelines
The eFileIL e-filing system integration with the Cook County case management system is ongoing, and not yet perfect.
Registration with Our Service in Single Sign on Systems
The states of California, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and Texas use a single sign on system.
California Hearing Dates and Electronic Filing
In regards to California hearing dates, the following counties would like filers to format their document description with the hearing date first.
Update your Email Settings to Configure the Notifications you Receive
The email you receive is dependent on your User Preference settings. If you aren’t receiving notifications or are receiving too many, this is the place to customize your preferences, so you will want to make sure they are properly set up.