Frequently Asked Questions for attorneys and parties on nonrefundable jury fees
Category: California
California Appellate Court
El Dorado
Los Angeles
San Bernardino
San Diego
Santa Clara
Superior Court of Kern County filings NOT permitted for e-filing at this time
While the Superior Court of Kern County is available for electronic filing, currently there are a number of documents the filer will need to submit in paper at the counter.
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1010.6
A document may be served electronically in an action filed with the court as provided in this section, in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to subdivision (e).
Remember to E-File Your Documents as Text Searchable PDFs
Per the California Rules of Court 2.256(b)(3), and the Los Angeles Superior Court General Order Re Mandatory Electronic Filing for Civil section C(2)(A), documents are required to be e-filed in a text searchable PDF format.
Stanislaus County Hearing Dates
Effective immediately, please include the next upcoming hearing date in the filing description box. The hearing date should be the first thing listed and then the description you would like to add.
LASC Announcement Regarding Processing of Requests for Dismissal (Unlimited Cases Only)
As of March 1, 2019, many of the LA Civil Courthouses have implemented a temporary process for Requests for Dismissals on unlimited civil cases filed electronically.
Los Angeles Civil Document Type Code List
The following list provides the document type codes and description for Los Angeles County civil case e-filing. If the clerk refers to a document type code in their rejection reason, you can look for the associated document type description in this list. Code Description AFF010 Affidavit (name extension) AFF020 Affidavit for Order for Appearance and […]
Scanning Documents with Original Signatures in California Courts
Retention of original signed documents shall be pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 2.257 and Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6. For documents efiled with the Court, the filing party may use /s/ followed by the name of the individual on the signature line of a document.
Proof of Service and Electronic Service in California Courts
A Proof of Service must be efiled pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 2.251(j)(1) – (3) which states in pertinent part:
Typical Rejection Reasons for Filings in the California Courts
Failing to follow California Rules of Court, rules 2.100 et seq., results in the Court rejecting your filing. Here are some typical reasons (but are not limited to) that the Court rejects a filing.