If you find a party on your case has one or more Also Known As (AKAs) or Doing Business As (DBAs) in Los Angeles Civil Superior Courts, you can add them as a New Case Party.
Category: Los Angeles
Initiate a New Case in Los Angeles Civil Court with a Waiver
These instructions are to Initiate a New Case with a Request to Waive Court Fees in the Los Angeles Civil Courts.
Fix Los Angeles Probate filings when the court auto-rejects it
If you find that the Los Angeles Probate court rejects your filing without a reason (typically within a minute of submission), that means that the court’s software has an issue with one or more of your documents.
Undue Hardship Caused from Errors from Los Angeles Civil e-Filing Manager Software
There are instances where you may not be able to e-file your document due to errors generated by the court’s e-filing manager software, or as a result of either court case data validation issues, or issues with the court’s e-filing manager software configuration.
Pay Appeals Fees for a Notice of Appeal in Los Angeles Civil
When you e-file a Notice of Appeal, the e-filing system does not assess the appeal fees.
Document Type for Notice of Appeals in Los Angeles Superior Civil Courts
The court requests that filers choose the document type of Appeal – Notice of Appeal/Cross Appeal Filed for Notice of Appeals.
Los Angeles Civil Filings for Non-Parties
One of the limitations of the new e-filing system is the inability to add a third party that is not listed in the Filed By drop down.
Los Angeles Civil Fees Do Not Show When Court Reservation System (CRS) Number Entered
In the Los Angeles Civil e-Filing system, if the filer enters a Court Reservation System (CRS) number in the Court Reservation Number field in Section 3 of the filing in our system, the court will NOT access any unpaid fees.
$20 Order Fee Waived When Paying First Appearance Fees
We were seeing filings rejected for not including the $20 order fee, when a first appearance fee was also due.
Update: Rejected New Case Filings with Request to Waive Fees without an Order Attached
There was a problem with the Compton location rejecting new case filings with Request to Waive Fees when no Order was attached.