Dupage County’s Local Rule 5.06(b) allows users to e-file exhibits as either part of an envelope or separately.
All posts by Chris Haley
One or More Files Can Not Be Attached to Email Due to File Size Restrictions Explained
Occasionally, when filers receive their accepted email, the e-filing application can not attach some documents in the filing due to file size restrictions. Filers will see the following message highlighted in yellow at the top of their email:
Schedule a Hearing Date in Will County, IL
Filers who need a hearing date in Will County, IL will want to include the hearing date, time, and location of the courtroom on their Motion and Notice of the Hearing when e-filing in our portal.
Credit Card Decline Codes Explained
Sometimes the payment processor returns vague decline codes. While your specific bank will know the reason for the error, the table below gives the most decline codes with both an explanation and recommended action to take.
Payment Processing Upgrade For California
We have upgraded our payment processing system to further tighten security and protect your payment data.
San Diego Family Law E-Filing Exception List
As of May 26, 2020, San Diego Superior Court will begin accepting eFilings for Family Law matters.
San Diego County Family Court FAQs
1. How does eFiling work? Electronic filing or eFiling allows filers to efficiently process documents and fees online. The filer will submit the documents through an Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP). After review, the court will accept or reject the documents. The documents are returned to the filer through the electronic filing website (portal). eFileCA […]
Add and View Service Contacts on an Existing Case
From time to time, it may be necessary to view all the Service Contacts on an existing case. You can do so at any time on the Case Summary screen.
Filing Status Screen: View Your Filing History and Print Receipts for Accepted Filings
The Filing Status Screen displays the status of all the filings in a user’s account in one place.
View the Timestamp the Court Assigns to an Envelope / e-Service upon Reception
A user may view the filing time courts receive submitted envelopes in the pending filing itself.