On June 26, 2021, the process to resubmit rejected filings in San Diego Superior Court Civil cases changed slightly. To resubmit these rejected filings, you will need to simply copy the filing first, then you may edit the new copy and submit it.

These filings will be marked with a yellow banner at the top of the filing, alerting users to the filing’s ineligibility (Letter A). Filers will want to click the Copy Filing button (Letter B) and then click the to a New Filing link which will then add all the rejected filing’s info into a new filing.

Sample Rejected San Diego Civil Filing

Rejected Filing

  1. Banner notifying a filer to a rejected filing’s ineligibility
  2. Copy Filing button
  3. Case Information copied over
  4. Rejected Document(s) copies over

Sample Copied San Diego Civil Filing

Copied Rejected Filing
Once the filing is copied over, the filer may add, edit, delete, or replace documents in section 2. They may also add new case parties and select electronic service for the documents.